*** Picture from 2022-23 season
2025-26: ?????
2024-25: Christopher King, Carter Fawcett & Ryder Surgenor
2023-24: Krush Sowers, Aiden McDaniel & Christopher King
2022-23: Jessica Birk & Christopher King
2021-22: Brady Alexander, Eric Achor & Jake Dillon
2020-21: Tomoki Inoue & Nick Hughes
2019-20: Luke Padwe, Ethan Garber & Logan Megles
2018-19: Alex Terese & Luke Padwe
2017-18: Alex Terese, Marcos Garcia, Luke Padwe & Brandon Lundy
2016-17: James Hughes, Elliot Garcia & Wesley Garcia
2015-16: Benji Levey, Louden Hewlett & DeSean Perea
2014-15: Jayce Clary, Harris Scoville & Benji Levey
2013-14: Matt Dick, Jayce Clary & Sammy Levey
2012-13: Matt Dick & Michael Kiel
2011-12: Taylor Kent, Payton Vermeesch & Mason Wellmen
2010-11: Luke Dubas, Ryan Tutrone, Payton Vermeesch & Mason Wellman
2009-10: Cliff Branch, Luke Dubas, Ryan Tutrone & Grady Woods
2008-09: Justin Schmidgall
2007-08: Sean Land & Riley Woods
2006-07: Colin Keleher & Sean Land
2005-06: Adam Cherington & Jake Peterson
2004-05: Brett Peterson & Aaron Price
2003-04: Brad Hemphill & Brett Peterson
2002-03: Unknown....
2001-02: Unknown....
You are WARRIORS in the oldest, most noble sport in the history of the world. While on the mat, you're expected to respect this sport, your opponent and your coaches. But most of all, you are to respect yourself, because you're doing something that relatively few even have the courage to attempt.
You're going to step out on a mat to single-handedly face an opponent in a combat sport. You'll be exposing what you know and what you don’t know about this sport. You may emerge victorious, but you also risk being humbled or even humiliated in front of your friends and family. The willingness to do that takes a special kind of courage. Regardless of the outcome, you are already a winner for simply stepping on the mat and accepting the challenge.
Now this sport has become a part of your DNA! As Once a Wrestler, Always a Wrestler! #BeBold
Adam Cherington
Colin Keleher
Eric Sprute
Cliff Branch
Riley Woods
Grady Woods
Sean Land
Taylor Kent
Mason Wellman
Ryan Tutrone
Justin Schmidgall
Brett Peterson
Jake Peterson
Connor Fernando
Mike DeWitt
Jake Ross
Ross Powers
Seth Price
Blake Arland
Michael Zucker
Christian Cardwell
Sammy Levey
Matt Dick
Payton Vermeesch
Jean-Luke Dubas
Jayce Clary
Harris Scoville
Benji Levey
DeSean Perea
Louden Hewlett
Elliot Garcia
Wesley Garcia
James Hughes
Carter Hill
Cole Crebs
Ethan Orosco
Brandon Lundy
Marcos Garcia
Troy Murawski
Alex Terese
Ethan Garber
Logan Megles
Luke Padwe
Luke Despres
Nick Hughes
Tomoki Inoue
Brady Alexander
Parker Kreizenbeck
Josh Jones
Jake Dillon
Eric Achor
Jessica Birk
Savannah Padwe **Manager
Jaxon Smith
Caleb Capaldi
Aiden McDaniel
Matthew Steele
Grady Lyons
Ryder Surgenor
Carter Fawcett
Christopher King